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Free Yourself from the Chains of Bondage

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

Bondage is described as “the state of being bound by or subjected to some external power or control” and can come in many forms. The chains of bondage can be in the forms of fear, inability to forgive, bitterness, pride, negativity, anger, resentment, depression or blame.

The chains of bondage can wrap themselves around you, take control of you, and become internalized. There is hope for breaking those chains as you open your heart and mind to release the chains. If you don’t break those chains, bondage has the ability to eat away at your body and soul like acid.

Breaking free from being bound to negativity is so freeing. It is so refreshing to not allow yourself to be bound by anything that is doing harm to you. If we’re not careful, we can get caught up in negative things not realizing that we are caught up. It’s important to recognize negativity and move away from it quickly.

Don’t allow yourself to be in a constant state of bondage. You can rise up from being held down. Free yourself from the chains of bondage today!

Live, laugh, love, and pray.

God Bless You with Good Health and Wellness,


Antoinette Shar’ron Johnson

“Empowering, inspiring, motivating, and uplifting your mind, body, and soul!”

Source of definition of the word bondage:

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